Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On organizing Medical Records

On Organizing Children’s Medical Records

Most people don’t think to start organizing an area of their family life because they haven’t already taken any preparatory steps. It’s amazing that once you start something how wonderfully it begins to fall in to place. For most of the portion of their lives , our children will have to organize: their backpacks, homework, folders, binders, books, rooms, drawers, clothes, and so the list continues. Now, how can they learn unless they see us organize aspects of our own lives?

Show your kids your new “Child Medical Record Book.” This starts with a simple, large loose-leaf binder for each of the children with their name on the front. I then fill each binder with sheet protectors and put them away on the shelf. Upi can go into your baby books if you have them and make copies of stuff, you can Photostat their birth certificates to start with !

If you take one of your children to the dentist to have a cavity filled, it is usual to be presented with both a receipt and form showing a picture of the child’s mouth, highlighting the tooth that had the filling. If you make a copy of this form (you may need the original for insurance purposes), and slip it into the relevant child’s binder, you now have a record of which teeth in your child’s mouth have fillings, which have been pulled, which are impacted, and so on. This binder will eventually become a complete collection of your child’s medical records.The camp forms that the doctor has to complete at this time of year make a perfect first entry!

If you don’t have any camp forms, - just begin with a School Admission/Admittance Medical Records Form. Enjoy your organizing and feel great about doing something good !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh boy you should see our medical record binders! i feel like i should make some kind of simple version with just the fun stuff--camp form, school forms, trips to the dentist etc. as you suggest and move away from the overstuffed, overwhelming binder of testing when we felt like we are an episode of medical mysteries.